Capital:London Main Cities: Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow
Population:57,956,000 Area[sq.km]:244,880
Languages: English, Welsh, Scots Gaelic, Irish Gaelic (All official)
Religions: Protestant, Roman Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, Judaism |
Typical tourist city, London Tower Bridge, Westminster Abby, Trafalgar Square, Big Ben and Houses of
Parliament, Eros in Piccadilly Circus, Buckingham Palace. There are many
places to see. 2003/09/01 |

Windsor castle is the oldest and largest in use. It has 900-year history. Locates in the suburbs of 30 km from London. Queen Elizabeth's favorite castle and she sometimes stays on weekend. 2006/02/13 |

Oxford is a collage town of 800-year history. One hour by train from London. 150,000 population
and 13,000 students studying at 40 colleges. Bodoleian Library has 5 mil
books. Unusual round building, Radcliffe Camera. 2003/10/02 |

Brighton, Cambridge and Hove. Cambridge is one hour from London to north. Cambridge stems from River Cam and bridge. It has 35 colleges. One hour south, Brighton is famous for sea resort. Next to Brighton is Hove. 2003/09/01 |
