This mountain is high enough to make this size of big stone temple.
Doric style temple of B.C. 430. You can guess the scale from people inside.
First go up stairs Seeing tower of Castle Pepoli Castle by Normans Called Venus Castle too
Nice view from Castle wall On top of Mr. Erice, 750 m Climb up zigzag road Down to residential area
Church San Giovanni Battista, Norman Gothic, 13C door Picturesque alley passage Rare Colorful scene
Alley, part 2 Sole plaza, stone pavement Painting : 100,000 Lira Dark alley, part 3
Colorful Southern European Wider alley, part 4 Ancient stone pavement -5 14C Church Chiesa Matrice
Battlement tower Neo-Gothic style interior Lowest stone pavement -6 Wall entrance
Symbol Temple Dioscuri or Temple of Castor and Pollux 34columns Temple Concordia remains good conservation
Temples of BC 5-6's heritage Hexa-Peripteral Juno Lacinia Only eight columns remain : Temple Hercules
2001/06/30Welcome to the Dreams Gallery