Opening Times : 8:00 - 17:00        Admission fee \ 25
Red haler in Yuyuan and yellow halers 200-year-old restaurant Pavilions and lotus pond
Lively Yuyuan market Lotus in the lotus pond Entrance of Yuyuan, \25 Jiang Zemin wrote "Nice Garden by the sea"
Strange rocks with holes Juanyu Pavilion, 1866 Grand Rockery, 2000t rocks Juanyu Pavilion and pond
Reflection makes circle Rare rocks: lion, monkey, elephant Good contrast green & red King's pavilion
Grand Rockery, stream and white wall Typical scene of picture post card : Dragon wall Emperor's symbol dragon was no use for vassal Real dragon has 5 claws but this has only 4!
Doorway #1 : Square Doorway #2 : Circle Pond and winding corridors Doorway #3 : Gates
Ten-Thousand-Flower Pavilion re-built in 1843 3 meters high rock Doorway : #4 Vase-shaped Changed scenery, bright bamboo grove

Filled with smokes Smoke of incense Yellow clothes Ancient style Chinese
Many Gods inside Red clothes and red face People pray Gods inside case Praying scenery by chance

Daytime Bund look Buildings are in 1800s Old Hong Kong Shanghai Bank Old HK Shanghai Bank of 1923
Famous quarter chime; Old Shanghai government, 1925 Old North China Daily News •Herald Brown & white color resemble one in Rothenburg Today, Peace Hotel, Old Sasoon House in 1929
Old, Main Office of
 China Bank in 1937
Old Yokohama Bank, Shanghai Branch Old Yangtze Insurance Association Building Old India Suez Bank in 1914

Old days, Russian Church Nan Pu Bridge, 8342m long

2002/03/01YUME-dreams Gallery