This year's target is to take close-up dancing photos as close as possible. Photos are in line with time.
At every Japanese festival, lions try to eat children. Some cry and many do not cry.
This famous Japanese clownish male mask is funny to us. Clothes and hat make him noble.
This person has good service spirit and gave me a victory sign.
It is easy to understand from number of photos, this Kawagoe Festival fits this style of white fox.
Climax comes when lighting focuses Terrifying fox mask and bright empire red clothes.
In addition to that, this fox may see the prophecy of Japan God, he waves a bundle of white papers.
Same kind of clownish mask looks different when dancer wares different clothes. This is popular clownish.
Festival is going to be climax. Competition makes sounds complicated. Unfamiliar monkey came out.
Same kind of fox but this wares elegant clothes. Each float competes to other by rallying cry.
On top of the every float, there are historical dolls. But no one looks at these dolls but dances.
Festival is going final stage. Competition became final stage by their every power.
Traditional fireman sign Cloth looks him as CEO of the festival 9:30 Going to finish. A doll looks after the festival. Good-bye
2004/01/01Go back to YUME or dreams Gallery