Climbs the road along the Hagi railway station. |
2nd Feudal lord Tsunahiro built it in 1654. |
The belfry gate was constructed in 1750. |
The main temple. |
6th Feudal lord Munehiro rebuilt a present main temple in 1750 though the
first construction was burnt down due to a fire of 1747. |
There are 603 donated stone lanterns and the sending fire of the Manto
festival on 13th and 14th in August light them in the graveyard. |
There is large wisteria tree. |
There are seven generations graves with their wives, such as founder feudal
lord Hidyori, two generation Tsunahiro, four Yoshihiro, six Munehiro, eight
Haruchika, eight Naruhhiro and ten generation Narito. |