Crowfoot Glacier Bow Lake is a glacial lake that thaw water of the glacier was dammed up by the moraine Claws of the Crowfoot Glacier ..
reduced two from three because of melting Deep valley with Bow River was used in the movie of "River of No Return" of Marilyn Monroe in 1954. View from Saint-Wapta hill. Road in center is Icefield Parkway, total length 230km.
This valley is a glacial trough where the width cut down by ice under the Cordillera ice sheet with which this ground was covered before.
The Glacier in Columbia Icefield is seen. Asabasca Glacier. Snow coach of glacier bus
Mass of huge ice is covered with the earth color adhered to the surface. The ice cascade (sudden fall part in the glacier) is seen in the center.
Side moraine with lateral stripes carried by glacier Right is Mount Andromeda The monochrome scenery as far as the eye can reach Blue ice inside
Ice cascade is upper-left and runs horizontally People wearing midwinter cloths in August Ice of 300m thickness below this Ditch is artificial
Crevasse has as deep as 30m. Caution of no approach. Crevasse in vertical direction
Piling up by both side of the glacier are lateral moraine (side moraine), the rocks that were ground, carried and piled up by the glacier
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