Transferred old Thai house Assembled with no nail Teakwood painted by majolica colored colcothar Precious exhibition in Painting Pavilion
Hot & humidity without air conditioner showpieces in good condition? Looking at garden from inside, image of southland balance between showpieces and outside green
celadon ceramics in Gold Pavilion no guard inside Sung dynasty to 19th century 15-17th century are majority
Old china table Silk pavilion over there handicrafts in Silk Pavilion Bet for guest
photos allowed only in guest room of main house handicrafts in 1F Gallery consists of building itself and bibelot southern plants in garden
elephant presented by craftsmen in 60-year-old massive pillars preparing for flood he likes combination wood carving and ceramics no living room in 1st floor of main house
front side of main house and guest room lions are guarding reclining Buddha is the moment of nirvana this sort of wood carving also Jim's favorite
wooden statue Oldest in here, 7-8 Century in central Thailand celadon ceramic and flower, beautiful roofing with thatch
charm crafts hanged in windows beautiful orchid in garden little shrine guards house back canal used for silk transportation

2002/09/01Go back to YUME or dreams Gallery